Remote Controlled OC1 (1-Man Outrigger Canoe) to Aid Blind Athletes

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Idea source:

Visually impaired athletes have a limited number of options for outdoor activities.  The community has adaptive sports but even fewer sports in which they can participate alongside other sighted athletes.  Outrigger canoe paddling is one of those options.  In its most common form, crews of six athletes paddle as a team in 40 foot canoes.  However, there are also many opportunities for those looking to paddle OC1 versions - canoes that only have 1 seat.  The activity allows for participant to attain maximum benefit from paddling since no other paddler is present to add another training variable.  OC1s are steered using foot pedals linked to a rudder at the rear of the craft.  This project aims to create a remote controlled system that can be easily installed and removed from any OC1 to allow a sighted coach to steer the craft as the blind paddler paddles. 

Project Challenges 

*    Develop an affordable, reusable mechanical steering  system.
*    Develop an easy system for the sighted coach to properly steer


Project Skills

This project will involve a variety of skills, including:

*    Controlling motorized parts through a remote control unit.
*    Communication between a remote control and onboard servo
*    3D design and printing of parts