Solar-Powered Water filtration System

This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at

Idea source:

We aim to create a portable, solar powered system that can be used to test the purity of water and has the capability to pump and filter it. The system will take note of the amount of contaminants in the water and will pump it through a filter into another chamber where it will be sanitized using UV light.

The data from the water purity sensor will be able be viewed on an LCD screen

These features may change as we proceed with building our prototype. 

Mentor: Pai Chou

Our Team:


Anirudh Shivkumar

Major: Electrical Engineering (B.S.) - RF, Antenna and Microwaves, GPA: 3.17

Technical Skills:


Hardware: Experience in Arduino projects, using the Arduino board and various sensors

Software: C++ programming, Python, MATLAB

VHDL, Cadence, Microwind, Verilog

Experience: C++ projects, Arduino self driving RC toy car with collision avoidance


Mouhamadou Gueye


Major: Electrical Engineering (B.S.)


Skills, Experience and Technical roles:

Programming in C, C++, Cadence, Microwind and familiarity with instruments such as Network, Signal and Noise Figure Analyzers, currently an intern at Skyworks Solutions inc.


Khwaja Hassan Ahmad


Major: Electrical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and Communications


Skills, Experience, and Technical Roles:

Programming in C, Python, and MATLAB. Familiar with analog and digital time signals and signal processing. Experience with lab equipment for research and testing purposes; previous design and test engineering intern at Calpak USA. Familiar with Adobe Suite and Office Suite for digital design.


Miguel Antonio SuVasquez


Major: Electrical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and Communications


Skills, Experience and Technical Roles:

Hardware: Experience in Arduino Projects, Parallax BS2 projects, using Arduino, various sensors, and motors.

Software: C#, C++, Java, Python, MATLAB, VHDL, Orcad Pspice, Cadence, Microwind

Experience: 10 years programming experience with C++, Java, and C# projects, Video Game Development, Robotics. Also have experience with signals processing; have some experience with networking.