(updated June 2018) The information on this page may be out of date, as the Department of EECS has several major changes planned starting Fall 2018. As of this writing, please contact Prof. Stuart Kleinfelder, the course coordinator for EECS-CSE senior projects, for the current policy.
If you are an alumnus or a professional working in industry and are interested in supporting our senior projects, please do let us know! Support can come in the forms of
- mentoring a team
- funding
- use of facility
The first step is to create an account, if you do not already have one.
Mentoring a Team
We welcome your contribution to mentoring a team of students, Currently,
- you would need to do this in conjunction with a faculty member within UCI, preferably in EECS or ICS, so that students can enroll in that faculty member's section in order to receive credit for senior projects
- the faculty in charge of the course will enter the grades for the students in the system, so you should first agree with that faculty mentor on the grading protocol in advance.
Other than that, we are making a few changes to make it more flexible for everyone.
- The project can start any quarter and will no longer be limited to starting in the Fall and finishing in Winter.
- For longer-term projects, you may want to schedule multiple teams with different starting quarters and overlap them so that the project can continue beyond two quarters.
- You may even want to start with students taking independent study (EECS 199 or CSE 199) first, before committing them to a 2-quarter senior project. Students also have the option of taking additional EECS 199 or CSE 199 after they finish senior projects. Up to 4 units can count towards their technical electives.