For students looking for projects in Spring 2018 or later, MAE 188 is looking for students to contribute to a smart home energy system, starting Spring 2018.
We are working on allowing MAE 188 to be an alternative way to fulfill the EECS 159B / CSE 181B requirement, although this has not been officially approved. In either case, it can be an interesting and cross disciplinary topic for senior projects in EECS and CSE.
If you have reached senior standing by spring quarter but have not taken EECS 159A / CSE 181A, you can take it in Spring 2017 instead of waiting until Fall 2017. The advantage is that you can either finish it in the summer or fall, whichever fits your schedule better. The course website is
Please use the EECS+CSE senior projects portal to (1) find the latest announcements on EECS 159A-B, CSE 181A-B, (2) check out projects from the past, (3) post your own project ideas as blogs (whether you are student or faculty), (4) talk to other students and form teams using the forum, (4) browse project ideas posted on the blog, (5) view the calendar of events and important dates related to senior projects