Submitted by ayounis on Thu, 09/29/2016 - 13:11
Team Name: Perfect Swerve
Team Members:
- Milan Patel
- Jason Watkins
- Ali Younis
Team Mentor: Brian Demsky
The idea of the project can be broken up into 2 parts, the main goal and the stretch goals.
The main goal of the project is the following:
- Have an autonomous ground vehicle navigate to a goal region in a known map using GPS. This goal requires the following (high level):
- Control of a robotic ground based vehicle
- Estimation of position using GPS and various other sensors
- Motion planning
- Stretch goals for this project are to be tried after the main goal is met and they include (in no particular order):
- - Navigation without GPS using some kind of SLAM or VIO based localization system.
- Navigation in a map where the starting location of the map is unknown (must find self in map using landmarks or other features)
- Navigation without a map know before hand (learn map as system drives around).
- Obstacle avoidance
The stretch goals are meant to be a way of expanding our project if we complete our project quickly. This was the advice our mentor gave us when we were talking about project ideas.
Poster Link: