digital signal processing, image processing, machine vision, audio and visual effects, brain-wave analysis (EEG)
Submitted by shunicho on Mon, 11/27/2017 - 14:19
Team Name: Dank Sythesizer Production (DSP)
Youtube demo Link:
Team Member:
Faisal Iqbal (EE: DSP and COMM)
Nandan Thusu (EE: DSP AND COMM)
Submitted by jcanon on Fri, 10/06/2017 - 13:25
Team Name: Ice Bears
Team Members: Jeremy Griffin (EE), Jake Canon (EE), Kelly Ngo(EE), Mengqi Wang(EE)
Mentor : Professor Stuart Kleinfelder
Submitted by andrewj2 on Fri, 10/06/2017 - 11:26
Team Name:
Bleep Bleep Crew
Team Members:
Andrew Jimenez (EE)
Christian McCaig (EE)
Brian Vuong (CsE)
Project Idea:
BLE device to control a cabinet within 3 meters.
Team Mentor:
Professor Bagherzadeh
Submitted by mengqw3 on Fri, 10/06/2017 - 11:04
(2 points) Team basics
(6 points) Team composition
Mengqi Wang, EE
Altium Designer, c++,
the framework construction
Yutian Ren,EE
c++,java, compuer vision
image processing
Submitted by pskoury on Thu, 10/05/2017 - 23:13
Team Name: Some Anteaters
Team Mentor:
Professor Henry Lee
Team Members:
Member 1: Ian May
Major: Electrical Engineer
Skills: C++, Javascript and HTML, Circuit Design
Technical contribution: Firmware, Interface Development, Debugging
Expected role: Firmware
Submitted by xiaoyay2 on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 23:15
EEG Brainwaves controlled game
Project Name
Team Mentor
Glenn Healey
Team Member
Submitted by maxwelyl on Mon, 10/02/2017 - 15:09
Team Members -
Matthew Ang, CpE, Vanessa Kao, CSE, Maxwell Liu, EE, Shubham Gupta, EE
Objectives and Goals -
We aim to provide a product that provides accurate and detailed instructions for navigation, and augment existing guidance systems.
Introduction -
Submitted by xslai on Thu, 09/29/2016 - 23:44
Team Name:
Project Title:
FPGA based short wave SDR
Team Members:
Yiqing Zhang, Electrical Engineering
Jianbo Liu, Electrical Engineering
Michelle Lai, Electrical Engineering
Team Mentor:
G. P. Li & Michael Klopfer
Project Description:
Submitted by yishanm1 on Thu, 09/29/2016 - 23:32
Assignment 6. Communication Refinement
1. Private vs Public Information (6 points)
The magstripe ID card contains the student ID, student name, and an "expiration date".
Which is considered private information or public information?
Student ID is the private information, while student name and expiration date are public information.
Submitted by brendons on Thu, 09/29/2016 - 14:54
Group 34: Enginuity
Team Members:
Daniel J. Pedroza (CSE), Brendon Salinas (CpE), Spielberg Michel (CpE), Asif Mahmud (EE)
Project Mentor:
Stuart A. Kleinfelder
Project Idea: