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Team Name: HyperXite: Controls
Team Members:
Andrew Tec (EE), Sean McCutcheon (CpE), Mark Mekkittikual (CpE), Shreshth Kumar (EE), Langtian Tan (EE)
Professor Roger Rangel, Professor Michael Green
This project aims to document and develop a distributed control system for the prototype Hyperloop Pod that will utilize over 30 sensors and actuators which are filtered using signal processing techniques for accurate data acquisition and control.
HyperXite’s goal is to create a prototype Hyperloop pod that is set to revolutionize the landscape of transportation. The Hyperloop will provide unprecedented travel times between major cities through the most efficient transit system ever proposed. Since building a scaleable Hyperloop pod requires various multidisciplinary skillsets, the entire HyperXite team incorporates over 30 mechanical, aerospace, civil, electrical, and computer undergraduate engineering students who all have area-specific skills ranging from simulation to manufacturing and design. The team placed 4th at the previous Hyperloop Competition held by SpaceX, and intends to compete at the next upcoming competition this summer (2018).