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Team Name: Beer Snob
Team Members: Nikka Mofid (CpE & EE) ,Chris Siino (EE), and Carissa Kane (CpE) *
Mentors: Professor Pooria Mohammadi Yaghini (EECS)
Senior Project Video:
Senior Project Poster:
The Beer Snob Smart Fridge is an innovative smart appliance, designed to fill the void between a full feature (and full price) smart refrigerator and the traditional, “dumb” variant. According to a 2015 Allied Market Research study, the “Smart Home Appliances Market” is expected to reach $38.35 billion by 2020. By focusing on the $688.4 billion “Global Beer Market,” the Beer Snob Smart Fridge takes advantage of a lucrative market that has yet to see much in the way of “smart” technology. Similar products do exist, but suffer from limited adaptability like the Bud Light “Bud-E Fridge” which is designed only for Bud Light cans and bottles and provides no user control over its limited features.
The Beer Snob Smart Fridge is designed for consumer ease-of-use but with a full set of customizable features that are expected of a top-notch smart appliance.
• Fridge Hardware Module Connected to a Mobile App using Amazon AWS Cloud
• In App Inventory of Current Bottles and Smart Beer Reordering
• In App Temperature Sensing (Since nothing worse than opening a lukewarm beer)
• Fridge Interior Camera available from App
• In App Metrics and Statistics (Because who wouldn’t want to see graphs of your beer consumption??)
*All team members are 21+ years of age