This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at
Team Name:
Boaty McBoatface
Team's Mentor: Professor Alexander Ihler
Team Members:
Project Goal:
Build a water vehicle that is able to track a moving object while avoiding obstacles fully autonomously.
The applications of a boat tracking system is endless. The goal is to have a fully autonomous boat that can follow a leader boat, and avoid collisions at the same time. We will be implementing this system with an array of IR LEDs on the lead boat, which will be sensed by the autonomous boat to allow it to make adjustments in its course to follow that lead boat.
Artificial Intelligence: Fully autonomous tracking and obstacle avoidance
The industry of water vehicles is not as up to date as the aerospace industry and so we want to be able to advance the field of water vehicles to make transportation easy and up to date.
Important Upcoming Dates