Group 32: Robot mobile assistance

This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at


Team Members:

Cesar Hernandez (EE), Tamir Hershko (EE), Jesse Inouye (EE) Dominic Mingchuan

Mentor: Prof H.P Lee

Project Ideas:
Work in progress.
Essentially a robot capable of navigating rooms be it the common home or pre-mapped room capable of carrying and/or transferring objects via arm implementation

the project will move in stages from the obvious examples you can find online to further assitive implementations


move away from wired controller to wireless then autonomous with set path in mind

the actual movement of the device in relation to objects, walls, etc

want it to map a certain area and gauge the distance so it can move autonomously from point A to point B (would be grid based such as those jrpg games)

resilience to weight be it holding on itself or arm