Group 4: Smart Mon: A Device Usage Tracking System for Technology Administrators Team Voltron

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Team Voltron

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  • Team composition:
  • Hieu Nguyen, EECS (team captain)
  • George Mansour, EECS
  • Tejia Zhang, EECS
  • Ryan Bald, CSE
  • Team information
    • With three EECS majors and one CSE, every member has experience with both C and Linux, two major requirements for the project. We are very hard working and guaranteed to produce results.
  • Mentor information:
    • G. P Li, Michael Klopfer PHD in Biomedical Engineering
  • Project idea
    • Many schools and Universities waste millions training their teachers you use certain programs and providing them with the technology to use said programs. However, a significant percentage of these teachers never actually use their training nor the technology they’ve been provided, wasting a lot of resources.
    • Michael already had this idea in mind. He based it off the previous research he has done with Hieu.  
      • Although we are still not one hundred percent clear on all the aspects of the project, we know that there are a lot of parts from software to hardware. This is perfect because we are a very diverse group when it comes to specialties. We strongly believe each of us will be able to bring something to the table.  
      • According to our mentor, we will be working with the collection of Javascript based technology, Mean Stack, to develop web based applications for the project. Although none of us actually had any experience in doing something like that, we are very eager to learn. As for other parts of the project, all of us have had a little experience in different regions and feel capable of using our knowledge to complete the project.
      • We believe this is a good project idea because it’s actually in demand on the market. Not only will it save the government and school millions of dollars, it will also help the education system determine what is actually useful and what isn’t.