This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at
youtube link:
(2 points) Team basics
project title: Machine learning
name of your team: Machine learning
URL to your team's project page on the EECS-CSE Senior Projects site (from #2 above):
(6 points) Team composition
For each team member
Enhan Mai Electrical Engineering
Skills and experiences : circuit design, arduino, Matlab, python and hand-on experience.
Role: Hardware and software engineer
Qian Wang Electrical Engineering
Skills: C++ programming, C programming, Matlab, circuit design
Role: Software hardware and network
I have join a research lab in my home university, working on imagine tamper detection and knowing what is machine learning.
Deyuan Wang Electrical Engineering
Skills and experience: C programming, Java programming, Assembly language, and circuit design
WDR image processing
IOT based on Zigbee
Role: Hardware and software engineer
(6 points) Mentor
the name of the mentor and major
The mentor we choose is Prof. Glenn Healey. He is a professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at UCI. He mainly focuses on physics of vision and color vision.
Explain how you found this mentor and why you chose him or her. What made you think this mentor is a good match? In what ways do you expect this mentor to be helpful?
We emailed the Prof. Glenn Healey, and he was happy to help us. The reason why we chose Prof. Glenn Healey
List the other faculty you have talked to but why they didn’t work out. Did they turn you down or did you turn them down, and why? Explain how you approached them (in person, by email, by phone, what dates, etc.), and comment on how hard (or how aggressive) you tried contacting them, what worked and what didn't work.
We also contacted Prof. Pai chou. He didn’t reply our email.
If your team still does not have a confirmed mentor, list whom you plan to ask and why.
We’ve already had a confirmed mentor.
(6 points) Project idea
What is the project idea? You might not have all the details all worked out yet, but try your best to give the most plausible description of the project you'll end up doing.
We have two proposals for our senior project right now.
Number recognition based on machine learning: We want to design a system that can detect numbers on the number plate. When a car comes to a parking lot, our camera will take a photo of the number plate and then recognize the numbers. These numbers will be saved in our system.
Road Lane Lines Detection: Now, the autonomous car is a very heated topic. We want to know something behind this technology. Road lane lines detection is a very good approach for us.
How did this idea come up? Defined by students? faculty? design contest? other sources?
All ideas are come from us. We have saw a dictionary software that could extract the words and translate them to chinese. We all curious about how they recognized the English letters. Additionally, that software could only recognize the words in certain typeforms. We are wondering whether we can design a system and recognize all type of letter or number. Also, nowadays, autonomous cars are a very heated topic. We want to follow the trend and design something related to autonomous cars. Thus, we come up with Road Lane Lines Detection.
Why do you think this is a good project idea? Has anyone else done something like it? If so, what do you plan to do differently and better
I think so, there must be someone have already working on it. However, we don’t think the method would be the same, as we decide that we could introduce machine learning method on this problem, which is really hot currently.
Comment on whether your team has the sufficient expertise and what skills you will need to acquire to do the project. Who will work on which aspects? Is there any skill not covered by the team? What do you plan to do?
People in our group had all at least one research or experiment experience. Moreover, we are good at computer programming, circuit design and some experience on python, which is, I think, basic in machine learning field. If we find something that is unachieved or hard to accomplish, we will turn to professor for help.
Comment on the multidisciplinary aspects of the project. Does the project require multidisciplinary technical skills within the team? Or does it require your team to interact with some other people from a different discipline?
Our project only need the skills and experience in hardware and software related to Electrical Engineering, which we are sophisticated in. Therefore, we think we don’t need to interact with our people from other department.