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Group 16:
Judith Liem (EE - DSP):
Team Captain, antenna modeling, PCB fabrication
Jonathan Hoong (EE - Circuit Design):
Circuit design, PSPICE modeling, hardware assembly
Tri Chung (EE - DSP):
Antenna modeling, HFSS modeling
Kevin Wang (CSE):
Mobile application development, microcontroller unit programmer
Filippo Capolino (EE):
Professor, Senior Design Advisor
Goal Statement:
Microwaves are built in order to keep powerful microwaves within the chamber, with an FDA regulated amount of power per unit area allowed outside the microwave. The purpose of this project is to create a device which can detect when a faulty microwave radiates a power per unit area that is above FDA standards.
Background on Microwaves:
Microwaves use electromagnetic waves to transfer energy directly to water molecules in food, causing the molecules to vibrate and generate heat.
Consumer microwaves generally operate at a frequency of 2.45 GHz and with a wavelength of 12.2 centimeters.
Frequency shown to start harming the human body: over 10 hertz. Eyes are especially vulnerable to microwaves.
Regulation set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): cannot exceed 5mW/cm^2 from a point 5cm or further from the external surface of the oven.
Microwave doors work because the electromagnetic waves within a microwave are around 12cm and cannot pass through the holes in the door mesh, usually around 1-2mm.
Microwaves can experience leakage if the door doesn’t close properly or if the microwave is bent or damaged in any way.
There are a few microwave leakage devices on the market currently ranging from $40-100, but none with bluetooth capabilities.
Currently on the market are radiation meters that combine the meter and display to a single unit or come as an attachment to one’s smartphone. These products require a user to stand in front of potentially leaking radiation. Our design implements Bluetooth communication between the mobile application and meter. This form of wireless communication allows a user and the meter to be in different vicinities while testing a microwave oven for radiation leakage. Our product takes into account the potential radiation exposure a user is subject to while testing a microwave oven.