Neural Enhanced Universal Ride at Low-Cost (example project from AY2014-5)

This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at


by Camilo Aguilar (EE), David Hong (CpE), Omar Shanta (EE), Cesar Becerril (EE) [Team #8]
Mentor: Lee Swindlehurst

Goal Statement:

  • Design a low-cost brain-controlled EEG wheelchair to provide mobility to people who
    • have spinal cord injuries
    • were born unable to move
    • have been permanently paralyzed


  • Low-Cost Materials
    • EEG Headset: $400
    • Drivetrain: $120
    • Wheelchair $77.91
    • Batteries (12V 12Ah) $48
    • Motors + Controller $80
    • Total: $725.92
  • Average cost of electric Wheelchair: $2000-15000
  • Accessible by the general public


  • Mapped facial expressions to directional commands
  • Mapped EEG brain states to commands using Emotiv Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Completed a small-scale prototype
  • Assembled and motorized a low-cost wheelchair