Single Controller, Multi-Robot System (SCMR)

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Idea source:

● Group Name:

ZOT Team (Project Group 17)


● Group Members:

  • ​Jeffrey K. Berhow:  DSP, Communications
  • Carla Contreras: Semiconductors and Optoelectronics
  • Yuji M. Dornberg: Computer Engineering
  • Anurag V. Reddy: Computer Engineering, DSP, Communications


● Project Title

Single Controller, Multi-Robot System (SCMR)


● Co-Mentors:

Dr. Lee Swindlehurst, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Henry Samueli School of Engineering

Dr. Jeffrey Krichmar , Department of Cognitive Sciences
School of Social Sciences

Dr. Michael Green, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Henry Samueli School of Engineering


● EEE Canvas Homepage:



● Project Description:

This project is focused on semi-autonomous operation of mobile ground robots using a single point of control. While remote control of an individual robot is relatively easy, and can be performed with simple human intervention, control of a group of robots is much more difficult and requires some kind of machine intervention. The design questions the project intends to answer are mainly concerned with how to best control a group of robots to perform certain simple tasks using a single point of control. Particular questions to be addressed include whether or not there should be master and slave robots, or should the decision making be decentralized; how to avoid collisions of the robots when they move in close proximity together.

The project will involve developing methods for helping a group of robots to navigate through obstacles, such as through narrow passages or around objects in their path, while avoiding collisions and when possible maintaining certain formations. The default operation will be motion in formation along a pre-determined path, and methods will be developed to depart from and regroup to the default formation as the robots encounter restricted areas of movement or obstacles.

This is a challenging project, even with single-point human control, as the robots need to be aware of each other’s positions to avoid collisions and maintain the desired formation. Different methods will be investigated, including those that require a “lead” or master robot that the other robots follow, and other methods based on control of the group’s “center of mass.” The project is very multi-disciplinary, requiring significant knowledge of electronics, programming, robotics and cognitive sciences.


● Students’ Involvement and Expected Outcomes:

The students working on this project will develop skills in rapid prototyping of embedded systems, robotics, signal processing and control, and how they can be used to solve problems in automated decision making. They will be involved in the design, implementation and testing of mobile robots as well as in developing computer algorithms that control them.


● Student Eligibility:

Students working on the project should have experience with programming, signal processing, hands-on electronics and digital design. Prior experience with mobile robots or remote controlled devices is a big plus.


● Recommended Readings & Publications (optional):