This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at
by Abe Lin (CpE), Jo Smith (EE), Sara Martinez (CSE)
mentor: Prof. Y. Zott, EECS
The ZotFeeder is a system that automatically feeds a pet anteater based on the goals set by its owner. It consists of three parts: the feeder itself, the mobile app, and the cloud server. The feeder subsystem has a proximity sensor that detects the presense of a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tag on the collar of the anteater and responds by opening up a small door to let out a number of ants for the anteater to eat. The owner uses a mobile app to specify the number of ants to feed each time as well as to connect to the built-in camera on the feeder to visually monitor the anteater at home. The feeding statistics is uploaded to a cloud server for data analytics by ant farms to estimate the seasonal demand of ants.