
This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at

Project Team :Smart Trash

Team: Byron Aguilar (EE) Luis Ribaya (CpE) Frankii Tang (CpE)

Mentor: Nalini Venkatasubramanian

Project Idea: Creating a smart trashcan that is connected to smart messaging and dashboard services for trash management. 


Group 34

Group 34: Enginuity

Team Members:

Daniel J. Pedroza (CSE), Brendon Salinas (CpE), Spielberg Michel (CpE), Asif Mahmud (EE)

Project Mentor:

Stuart A. Kleinfelder

Project Idea:

Group 32: Robot mobile assistance

Team Members:

Cesar Hernandez (EE), Tamir Hershko (EE), Jesse Inouye (EE) Dominic Mingchuan

Mentor: Prof H.P Lee

Project Ideas:
Work in progress.
Essentially a robot capable of navigating rooms be it the common home or pre-mapped room capable of carrying and/or transferring objects via arm implementation

the project will move in stages from the obvious examples you can find online to further assitive implementations


move away from wired controller to wireless then autonomous with set path in mind

Cross-sensor Activated Data Processing for Urban IoT Systems

Team Name: Zot N go


Team Members

  • Daniel Cheng
  • Krystopher Mandujano
  • Noah Correa
  • Tomohiro Ohkubo


Team Mentor: 

Marco Levorato

Project 58

Team Name:
Liquid Count

Project Title:


Team Composition:
Ye Jin Choi
Christopher Rodriguez
Saumil Shah


Team's Mentor:
Professor Shannon Alfaro


Project Idea:

Self-Sustaining Server Mesh Network

Since the release of the Raspberry Pi, low-power Linux systems have become common. They have reached the point where a small solar panel is sufficient to both power the device during the day and charge a battery to allow it to continue running at night. Connecting multiple of these devices together creates a network that will continue operating indefinitely in the event of a major utility failure.

Project Group 35: Garbage Processing Unit (GPU)

Team Name: Senior Design Project Extreme

Group Members: Steve Cho, Michael Wegener, Takahiro Ishikawa

Mentor: G.P. Li

Objective: We aim to build a mobile robot arm that can not only navigate rooms and hallways but recognize, locate, and pick up garbage to help build a cleaner environment.

Ad hoc network profiler

Team Name:

Membrane Dysfunction

Team Members:

Jose Garica , Computer Science and Engineering

Gabriel Sasson, Computer Science and Engineering

Hector Solano, Computer Science and Engineering

Team Mentor:

Homayoun Yousefi'zadeh

Project Idea:

Build tools and scripts for profiling the bandwidth, jitter and delay of USRP ad hoc network. 


Biometric Detection

Looking for group of 3-4 students on bimetric sensors for security applications. Required knowledge or interest in optics and imaging, hardware design and DSP.


You can contact me for details

Ozdal Boyraz

Single Controller, Multi-Robot System (SCMR)

● Group Name:

ZOT Team (Project Group 17)


● Group Members:

  • ​Jeffrey K. Berhow:  DSP, Communications
  • Carla Contreras: Semiconductors and Optoelectronics
  • Yuji M. Dornberg: Computer Engineering
  • Anurag V. Reddy: Computer Engineering, DSP, Communications


● Project Title

Single Controller, Multi-Robot System (SCMR)


● Co-Mentors:
