
This is an archive site. Current senoir design projects are at

software defined radio

(Posted on behalf of Prof. Homayoun Yosefi'zadeh) - please contact him at <>

This project focuses on the implementation and performance profiling of a radio testbed comprised of USRP software defined radios and running on GNU Radio software in Linux. Strong C++/Java/Python programming background in Linux and understanding of signal processing, communications, and networking is needed.

Sensors to improve "practice"


Students: Sharooz Maghsoudi, Kendrick Welch, Chris Valenzuela, Chung-Yu "JoJo" Chen

F1/10 Autonomous Racing

Hi we are a team of two (both Computer Engineers) working on building small scale autonomous racing cars. This idea is from a faculty member and we are looking for another teammate who has experience in software or hardware. This project will require a lot of programming to ensure the cars can detect their surroundings and race automatically. If you are willing to work hard on a fun project email me at Check out the link for more info. Thanks!


Drone mapping of cell phone signals

Student team will develop, build, and demonstrate an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) quadcopter system to map antenna radiation patterns, to measure cell phone reception signals.

Students will be expected to integrate the RF measurement circuit with the on board flight control computer. This will require a minimum of two microcontrollers: The flight controller that interfaces with flight functions and GPS, and the RF measurement microcontroller that measures RF field patterns. Both microcontrollers should be interfaced.

Granular Jamming Refreshable Tactile Display

Communicating digital information to visually impaired individuals has been an ongoing challenge in research and industry for over thirty years. Audio (via speech recognition and text-to-speech) and tactile (via Braille Displays) representations of visual information are currently the primary forms of communication. While these two forms of input and output serve as suitable forms for communicating textual information, the ability to dynamically communicate visual information such as pictures and graphics has yet to be solved.

Clinical Database for Brain Images

(Posted on behalf of Dr. Nicolás Phielipp, who is available to mentor EECS and CSE students)

This project entails the integration of brain images (Computed Tomography scan and Magnetic Resonance) into our clinical database. Images are from patients undergoing  Deep Brain Stimulation surgery. The main goal is to monitor location of electrodes in relation to response to brain stimulation once we program the stimulator.


I'm available to mentor a student group who has a project focused on software.  Good choices might include tools for developing software, tools for securing software (including IoT systems), or IoT systems. 

The ZotFeeder (example project)

The ZotFeeder (Not a Real Project!  For illustraton only)

by Abe Lin (CpE), Jo Smith (EE), Sara Martinez (CSE)
mentor: Prof. Y. Zott, EECS

System Overview

The Drink Mixer (example project from AY 2014-5)

by Esteban Gomez (CpE), Van-anh Cao (CpE), Jonathan Lam (CpE), and Buu Truong (EE) [Team #12]
Mentor: Rainer Doemer


Neural Enhanced Universal Ride at Low-Cost (example project from AY2014-5)

by Camilo Aguilar (EE), David Hong (CpE), Omar Shanta (EE), Cesar Becerril (EE) [Team #8]
Mentor: Lee Swindlehurst
